Foot/Ankle Injuries.

Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains, common injuries from twisting or rolling the ankle, range from mild to severe. Grade I sprains involve minimal ligament damage, while Grade II causes more pain and swelling. Grade III is the most severe, often requiring medical attention.

For recovery, rehab is vital. Therapists create personalized plans to enhance strength, flexibility, and stability, reducing pain and swelling. They teach proper movement and offer preventive tips to prevent future sprains. Early therapy can significantly improve recovery, allowing a faster return to sports and normal activities.

Ankle Instability

Ankle instability is a condition where the ankle joint feels wobbly or gives way easily. It often results from a previous ankle sprain. There are two types: mechanical instability, caused by stretched or torn ligaments, and functional instability, related to poor muscle strength and balance.

Rehab is crucial for managing ankle instability. Therapists create customized plans to strengthen muscles and improve balance. These exercises help stabilize the ankle, reduce the risk of further injuries, and enhance overall mobility. Early therapy can significantly improve ankle stability and confidence in sports and daily activities.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition characterized by heel pain, often occurring during the first steps after waking up or following periods of rest. It results from inflammation of the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that supports the arch of the foot.

Therapy is a key component of plantar fasciitis management. Therapists develop tailored programs to alleviate pain and improve foot strength and flexibility. These exercises help relieve tension on the plantar fascia, reducing discomfort and enhancing mobility. Early initiation of therapy can lead to quicker relief from plantar fasciitis symptoms, allowing for a return to regular activities with reduced pain.

Things to Keep in Mind

We understand that not everyone reading this article will work with Array Strength, but it is still our intention that you succeed wherever you go.

A couple of things to keep in mind while searching for injury care...

  • Not all injury care is created equal. Be specific about where you do rehab. It will be worth it in the long run.
  • You should feel good following your sessions, not worse. Your therapist should understand where you are in the healing process and know what you can and can't handle.
  • One-on-one care is powerful. Working with a therapist or a skilled assistant, who is with you during your full session, helps facilitate success.

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