Shoulder Injuries.

Impingement Syndrome

Impingement syndrome, also known as shoulder impingement, is a common shoulder condition characterized by pain and inflammation in the shoulder joint. It occurs when the rotator cuff tendons or bursa (fluid-filled sacs that cushion the tendons) become compressed or irritated, often due to repetitive overhead movements or shoulder injuries.

Therapy plays a crucial role in managing impingement syndrome. Therapists develop customized programs to reduce pain, improve shoulder mobility, and strengthen the muscles around the shoulder joint. These exercises help alleviate compression on the tendons and bursa, decrease discomfort, and enhance overall shoulder function. Early initiation of therapy is essential for individuals with impingement syndrome, as it can lead to quicker recovery, improved shoulder stability, and a faster return to pain-free activities.

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator cuff injuries are common shoulder problems that involve damage or tears in the tendons of the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize and provide mobility to the shoulder joint.

Rehabilitation is a key component of managing rotator cuff injuries. Therapists create customized programs to reduce pain, improve shoulder mobility, and strengthen the muscles supporting the shoulder. These exercises help facilitate healing, reduce discomfort, and enhance overall shoulder function. Early initiation of therapy is crucial for individuals with rotator cuff injuries, as it can lead to quicker recovery, improved shoulder stability, and a faster return to pain-free activities.

AC Injuries

AC joint injuries, also known as shoulder separations, occur when the ligaments connecting the collarbone (clavicle) to the shoulder blade (scapula) become damaged. These injuries are commonly caused by falls or trauma to the shoulder.

Rehab is essential in managing AC joint injuries. Therapists develop tailored rehabilitation programs to reduce pain, improve shoulder mobility, and strengthen the surrounding muscles. These exercises aid in the healing process, reduce discomfort, and enhance overall shoulder function. Early initiation of therapy is crucial for individuals with AC joint injuries, as it can lead to quicker recovery, improved shoulder stability, and a faster return to pain-free activities.


Shoulder tendonitis, also known as rotator cuff tendonitis, is a common condition characterized by inflammation or irritation of the tendons in the shoulder, particularly those of the rotator cuff.

Therapy is a fundamental component of managing shoulder tendonitis. Therapists create individualized programs to alleviate pain, improve shoulder mobility, and strengthen the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. These exercises facilitate the healing process, reduce discomfort, and enhance overall shoulder function. Early initiation of therapy is vital for individuals with shoulder tendonitis, as it can lead to a quicker recovery, reduced pain, and improved shoulder stability, allowing for a faster return to pain-free activities.

Things to Keep in Mind

We understand that not everyone reading this article will work with Array Strength, but it is still our intention that you succeed wherever you go.

A couple of things to keep in mind while searching for injury care...

  • Not all injury care is created equal. Be specific about where you do rehab. It will be worth it in the long run.
  • You should feel good following your sessions, not worse. Your therapist should understand where you are in the healing process and know what you can and can't handle.
  • One-on-one care is powerful. Working with a therapist or a skilled assistant, who is with you during your full session, helps facilitate success.

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